Useful Links
  • Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API, by Vinay Sahni

    An excellent summary of good practices for creating a RESTful API.

    In the same vein as naming your classes and methods sensibly.


  • Create Angular 10/9/8 MultiLingual Site with ngx-translate i18n Library, by Digamber

    A simple but complete tutorial about one approach to doing a multilingual Angular site.

    For, it also worked a treat for our Android mobile app. See why we chose it, here.

    #android #angular #capacitor #cordova #ionic #localization

  • Docker for Visual Studio Code

    Fast to install, Fast to use - one-click access to a container's logs

     ext install ms-azuretools.vscode-docker
     Right-click on the running container of your choice -> View Logs

    Beautiful wee time-saver!

    #devops #docker #ide #vs.code

  • Easy Enhancements for VS Code’s Terminal, by Nora Brown

    Very handy set of tips for improving usability of your Visual Studio Code terminals - took about 6 minutes to apply them all.

    Except for the last one, that is - I kind of like being able to close the vs.code window and know that I have killed all the various processes I had running.

    #ide #vs.code

  • To Microservices and Back Again, by Alexandra Noonan

    A very well explained talk, based on a real-life case study, of the tradeoffs involved in Microservice vs Monolith architectures.

    Most importantly it involves the same people working on the same product making a genuine and well-thought out effort to use both architectures in production. You don't often get such an objective, empirical controlled study for software architecture. Furthermore the talk is presented in a very objective fashion, no axe to grind or holy war.

    In particular my takeaways were:

    • how massive a benefit you get from the "old-fashioned monolithic" practice of simply having a single version of the truth with your depended libraries.
    • how DevOps means (as it should) that an increase in pain for your Production Support team, impacts your Engineering team (AKA the same human beings!) and gets them to fix the root problem.
    • the fundamental problem was eventually solved by in-house engineering ( a non-trivial investment ) based on a deep understanding of the issues at hand, rather than a "Magic Bullet". Microservices being in this case said Magic Bullet.

    #devops #microservice #monolith